Research: Grad Rate vs. Fail Rate

I’ll say it. I love grading and assessment. I do. I love it.

I have been wanting for a while to complete some research on grading practices, their impact on failure rates in high schools, and further – how those failure rates impact high school graduation rates. I am preparing for a session for the ASCD National Conference (which I am hoping will be accepted) on my beliefs about how fail rates are an overlooked key data point that can be used to predict high school graduation rates.

But… I need you help (and the help of your network).

Below is a very informal (100% anonymous) research input form. I am not using all of the formalities that you will often see associated with educational research (that will come later). If you are an educational leader or know an educational leader please share this post with them. I need their input.

I am really hoping that ASCD will realize the importance of this data and accept my proposal – I think that this work is so important. If you are able to help, I would greatly appreciate it. The simple form is below.

If you would prefer to share the link please use:

Questions? As always you can contact me using the contact information on my site.

Mike Meechin, M.Ed.

For more information about having Mike speak at your school or district, click the “Book Mike” link under Work With Me.